Wednesday 23 November 2011

Speaking Dutch and Shopping

Today I (lucy) went to work whilst the boys went shopping....(does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?). Work was really chilled and everyone was very friendly. I had my first hot apple cider YUM! and learnt how to say hello in Dutch "goedemorgen".
Tim and Chris hitchhiked into town where they ment an excentric, wax loving snowboard salesman named Nate. In no time Nate had the boys hooked up with boards, binding and boots. They were finished up in a hour but had a little trouble getting back up the mountain so it wasnt untill the sun had gone down that they had trecked it into the cafe to pick me up.
its bed time now so untill tomorrow "goedenacht!"


  1. Hahahah sounds good.... I was thinking if u had a few spare canadian dollars maybe you could invest in a good webcam so that you dont look like your made of lego lol xoxo.

  2. Dutch language is not much difficult to learn , as we need only passion and a good teacher who can teach us various dutch dutch lessons . We can learn dutch online .
